Saturday 4 May 2013

May The 4th Be With You...A Look Back At The Blu Ray 9 Disc Set

'Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else'
Fig 1. Front Artwork has Been Tastefully Done,
but Some Hard-core Fans Might not Welcome it

2 years on and I thought id have a review, review of the 9 Disc Blu ray set. So strap yourself into your Kashyyyk copter and lets go back in time. Well 2 Years Anyway.

Fig 2. Inside the Artwork does get a bit Better and it's Nice to see all the Gang Together
Fig 3. The 9 Discs with Artwork and the Disc Folder. Not the Easiest to get in and out

Everyone I spoke to at the time thought that as this was 'Star Wars' it would get the best treatment ever, but I would like to kill all expectations right now. As the box set goes it could have been so much better, (rushed it isn't) not in terms of just content but the whole set is a nightmare to get in and out everytime you want to watch one of the movies. If you think its something petty then you don't own this 9 Disc set then. If you have the year later releases then you'll be a little happier as you get separate amaray cases which would have been so much better.. Enough with the packaging let's have a look back.

Presented in 1080p Framed at 2.35:1
 The Phantom Menace
The worst film in the already six long series is by far the worst. DNR is a massive problem here, but I think it was done to bring it up to the All digitally filmed Episodes 2 and 3 and mistake comes to mind. As this was the last film shot on 35mm film, it's very strongly filtered and that gives it a more video like picture quality ala 'Predator' Hunters edition. Very soft in some scenes and dark in others I have no idea why they went this far?. It's not all boo and hiss, the battle on Naboo looks lush as do the light saber scenes with Darth Maul, even if a little paintbrush like, I also think this was done for film continuity between movies. For those who didn't know the film was cropped just a little on the DVD release and it's back in all it's glory here on the Blu Ray so that's a plus point. And to be honest it's George Lucas and we expect so much from him and his THX band of brothers, skin tones are a little orangy and wax doll looking but I did mention that earlier so I wont go on anymore.
Attack of the Clones
 Attack of the clones is much, much better but that horrid DNR rears it's ugly Sarlacc head again, but not as much as the first prequel. Episode II was the first of the films to be shot entirely on digital film. And was seen at the time to be to sharp and enhanced, but they soon cleared that problem up in post pre-duction. (not just for the BD release but the DVD release also) The CGI isn't to heavy and aren't affected, but most of the live footage has that filtered look, and sometimes the actors almost seem to have a kind of hazy glow around their bodies, (Ready Brek anyone) especially when the actors are standing in front of the green screen. There is fine detail here and a pleasure to the eyes it is, just have a skip through to the Jango Fett and Obi Wan scene to see the film shine.

Revenge of the Sith
Has this Movie ever looked so good?, I don't think it has. Episode III is a completely different kettle of fish. It's an absolute stunner with detail and colours approaching Avatar levels and i'm not exaggerating here it really is that good. You can see instantly how much crisper and more detailed every single frame is, I have nothing to moan about at all. DNR has been left out it seems and all has been left to its own devices, The clean outline of Darth Vader's helmet and Sand scenes along with the battle on the for mentioned Kashyyyk look eye watering. The Magma on the final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin is amazing in HD and it's the score that makes it even better, but we will get into that a little later.

Star Wars A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi
But if your anything like me then it's the Originals that you want to see and what a job they have done. I own the originals on VHS and the DVD versions are still around but to have a step up like this is like watching them for the first time. (People I know say 'I think it looks ok' and 'It's not how I remember it' how they can remember what there now 42 year old brain saw in a galaxy far, far away in the old flea pit of a Cinema I'll never know?). But lets get back to the restorations, to start with yes the man(Lucas) has messed around with a few scenes and do you know what in my opinion it hasn't really done any harm. Unlike the prequels, which look very different from one to the next, the 1080p AVC encoded transfers of the three original films are fairly consistent with one another. Gone are the mistakes like the Emperor's cloak and the over lapped Saber's with there inconsistent colour and in is the true colours over the 'Jedi's favoured weapon of choice'. Also in is the detail in the Falcon and the scratches and marks of R2D2's blue and white shell. When I first popped the disc in C3PO popped onto the screen in all his golden glory.. Brilliant. You'll even start noticing how bad some of the set was made along with background detail you swear you never knew was there, not to mention costume and face detail.

Fig 4. The Battle on Hoth has Never Looked so Good

Of course some scenes look a little soft as you might expect from a old film stock but they have worked wonders. Scratches have gone, so has the often seen smear type effect and all you get is crisp and clean whites and solid blacks, just check out the Hoth battle and you will see a massive improvement. Contrast is high without having you reaching for the remote to turn it down as is the brightness. Some black levels can look a little lighter or darker but as I mentioned they are near enough spot on. There are a few trouble shots as in the 'Forrest Moon of Endor' which look a little soft but I think that goes with the cinematography, and not added and ramped up with DNR, So to improve on this will be quite a feat what with 4K around the corner but I tell you what it will be fun to see what can still be done with this 'Classic' movie franchise.
It's 4 out of 5 here for me, but it's mainly for the 'originals'

Fig 5. Dual of the Restoration Teams

DTS-HD MASTER AUDIO English 6.1, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1, French: DTS 5.1
French Dolby Digital 5.1, Portuguese: Dolby Digital 5.1

I think instead of reviewing each movies audio individually I will just say 'Brilliant, Exceptional, Superb, Amazing, Fantastic and Perfect... There six over the top words for six brilliantly 6.1 mixed movies. (try saying that fast)
Now that I'm nice and chilled after that outburst, let me try and explain what they have done well and what they have done exceptionally well. To hear just John Williams' theme in glorious 6.1 channel audio is a blinking ear treat, but add to that booming bass (Asteroid Blasts anyone) precise treble and front to back sound that throws Tie-Fighters and Racing Pods all over the place and I can't think of a better remixed 6.1 movie to date. Yes they could and maybe should have gone one better and mixed it in 7.1 but that's just me being picky. You get Vader's Rumble as he walks on and off of screen and soft loving music when Leia starts to fall for Luke. There are massive explosions with tons of LFE shaking your lounge to bits.  Even in the quieter scenes like the already mentioned Jango and Obi Won water scene gives you the impression your right in the middle of the ocean. You will be truly amazed at just how good the 'Original Trilogy' can now sound and Dialogue is crisp and easy to make out.
So all in all no hiss or crackle, tons of LFE a great score by the master John Williams and an astonishing job done by an amazing restoration team.. Yes it is that damn good.
5 out of 5 but I wish It could have been 6.


For all 6 films with Lucas and the crew
Never before Released Audio Commentary for each Movie with Archival Interviews from Cast and Crews
45 Deleted Scenes, Extended scenes, Cast and crew Interviews, Props, Maquette and Costume Turnabouts.
Matte Paintings and Concept Art
The Making of Star Wars 1977
The Empire Strikes Back SPFX 1980
Classic Creatures Return of The Jedi 1983
Anatomy of a Dewback
Star Warriors 2007
Star Wars Tech 2007
The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years on 2010
Plus over 90 minutes of Special spoofs

Basically the same as the DVD releases but with a few extras added on not the best out there but for those who have never owned the set or even for those who do it's still fun do go over.. Ah the good old days eh!

Pop it in your collection today, yes I know you own them already but not looking and sounding like this. Pick it up from as little as £56.00 in Ebay and from Amazon 'New' from £59.00 it's all up to you really.

Check out the Original Blu Ray Release Teaser Trailer

Let Me Know What You Think. Do You Own It?... If Not Are You Going To Get It
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