Saturday 2 November 2013

Silent Sony On PS4 Playback Of CD, MP3, Youtube and Out Of The Box Blu Ray

       **SILENT SONY**
Naughty Sony Have Been A Little To Quiet On There 'Next Gen' Console.. So What Are They NOT Telling Us...???

Fig 1. The ALL Bells and Whistles PS4..
So not long to go now then guys eh?. You've had your money taken from your account and the pre-order date looms ever closer, your hearts pounding and you just can't wait for the courier to 'Tap, Tap' on your door and hand you that magic box of tricks that Sony have been promising us..
Now You've taken it all out of the box, thrown the packaging and the leaflet crap away with it and now all you have to do is plug it all in and sit back and play a great high end graphics game of shall we say 'FIFA 14'.
Well that's what most of you will be doing, but what about those that have been wanting to intergrate it into the Home Cinema?. What do we do first.. ?
Fig 2, The Blu Ray.
Well I for one would love to pop in a Blu Ray and see how quick this beauty boots up and how well it spins our discs also wanting to see the way the 'NEW' graphics card handles things like motion and blur, picture judder, chroma and so on.
Now I think I will wait before I plug in the network cable I will just pop in the Disc and give it a go.
WOOOO!!!! here we go..
But hold on a minute.. What's that that's just appeared on the screen. A message saying the Console needs a firmware update before I can watch a Blu Ray..?
Wait a minute, what the hell, 'In The Name Of Satan's Bathroom' is going on..
I have to *UPDATE* the bloody thing before I can even watch a Movie..?
Yep that's right you DO.. and to me as a Movie/Film Lover is plain WRONG in this day and age..
Why the hell doesn't anything just work out of the box these days?.
Not only do we have to wait 2 weeks longer than the U.S for our release date but when it finally does get released it needs a 300MB update.
'Ok, Ok I will just listen to some music then and maybe rip my MP3's to the Hard Drive as I Know That Takes up A Bit Of Time'
Fig 3. CD And MP3 Playback Can't Wait...
Right CD time.. I just love being able to listen to my music sometimes without having to take the CD off of my dusty shelf and popping it in to any kind of player. And as dedicated Music servers are a lot of money these days, I found that my PS3 was great at having the ability to Rip my CD's at a great bitrate and then just browse by artist and press play, while I was playing a game of 'COD'
So here we go..
'WHAT' another message, 'Format Not Permitted On This Device' or something like that.
What the hell is going on..
So now it wont even play CD's.. OK, Ok you got me I WILL do the bloody *UPDATE*
10 Minutes later and we are all done. Finally
Now I can pop in my CD.. Hang on same bloody warning on the screen..
'This cant be right, Let me check the Manual'
5 Minutes later and it seems my worst fears have come true..
NO MP3 or CD Playback..
Oh and to top it off If I did want to listen to music I now have to join Sony's own Music Service called 'Sony Music Unlimited', but my MUSIC was Unlimited as I own 300 Discs that I have already bought, now I have to BUY them all again.. And just for a bargain price of £30.00 a year..
Fig 4. Sonys 'Music Unlimited Online Service'
These decisions, apart from the loss of a music visualizer, which is a tragedy, can be traced back to Sony’s pushing of its cloud-based music service, Music Unlimited.. Utter Bullying is what it is and I for one WILL NOT be emptying my wallet for bully's. No way.
Oh and one more happy note..NO UPLOADS to Youtube.. Which I can understand as the whole Youtube channel will be inundated with 5 minute snippets of head shots and the same old 'Look At My Over Head Kick' wonder goal.. and I for one do not want to watch that..
Remote Play WILL NOT WORK over 3G. To stream PS4 gameplay to your Vita, you’ll need a WiFi connection. Sony "strongly recommends that Remote Play be used within the same WiFi network where PS4 is connected."
So That's it my little rant over and done with..
I'm still very undecided on which console to buy next, but I know one thing this has made my quest that little bit more easier and might just make me keep my XBOX 360 a little while longer to..
What Will Be Your Next Upgrade, Will You Be Upgrading At All This Year To A Next Gen Console?
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